Supply Chain Management

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Let me help you be seen as an authority in supply chain management.

If your firm is involved with providing supply chain management assistance within such industries as pharmaceuticals, government, medical supply, warehouses, or something else, you may be dissatisfied with the results you are getting from your marketing efforts to procure new clients. The solution is reaching out to me at OmniChannel Productions. My multi-channel approach helps you streamline your efforts so you can get your story to the market that needs to hear it.

Supply Chain Management

You can choose one, two, or all three of my channels based on your situation – live events, on-demand broadcasting, and webcasts. You have likely heard the old cliché, “It’s not what you know; it’s who you know.” There is a problem with that philosophy because just knowing who you can help with supply chain management isn’t enough to get them to call you for your services. I take it a step further by following the “It’s who knows you!” philosophy, and that means making certain your potential clients know who you are and see you as the authority in your industry.

I am a fractional marketing resource in that I have developed an approach where, instead of spreading your marketing thin across multiple channels, I focus on the 20% of marketing strategies that have proven most effective, require the least effort on your part, and provide the best return on your investment. Sometimes that involves cutting out a middleman, such as holding your own tradeshows instead of attending others and hoping to connect enough to make it worth it. Sometimes that is coming up with new technologies you can offer to your clients. Ultimately, by using intentional marketing instead of “hit or miss” marketing, you’ll find that your sales and marketing teams are far more efficient and effective. Contact me today to further discuss how I can help your supply chain management consulting firm reach new heights of success.