SCM Consulting and Your Annual Business Development Tradeshow – Is There a Link?

HomeMy Supply Chain Rocks BlogSCM Consulting and Your Annual Business Development Tradeshow – Is There a Link?

If you are in the SCM game, you are no doubt already familiar with the value of supply chain consulting, provided you have the right consultant of course — but have you ever given some thought to the value of tradeshow consulting? Regardless of whether the tradeshow is live, remote, or hybrid, the process is still very similar.

SCM Consulting and Your Annual Business Development Tradeshow – Is There a Link?

First, a little background…

Good supply chain consultants help their clients assess and evaluate where their operation is at currently, good and bad, i.e. the “as is” situation. Then they develop a proposal and execution plan that reinforces what’s working in the business and reforms or replaces what’s not, i.e. the “to be” situation.

A big part of the success and value of a good supply chain consultant lies in them having a lot of experience working across and being exposed to the industry as a whole, rather than just one business, or a small group of business. This gives them a valuable, broad perspective and “eagle eye” view of the industry, complete with an understanding of the latest trends and technologies that are making a real difference in productivity and efficiency.

Also, although most businesses no doubt think their supply chain issues are unique, in most cases they will be similar to what the SCM consultant has seen before in many, if not most situations. Because they have seen 90% of the issues before and observed what corrective actions did and didn’t work for various companies, the consultant can steer the client towards the course of action that has the highest likelihood of success.

Similar principles apply in the case of what I do – tradeshow consulting and production. Because I’ve been doing this for a long time, for many players in the industry, I know what works – and what doesn’t. I can help you put together a winning tradeshow production and related activities that happen before and after the event, bringing together the right team and pushing all the levers necessary to deliver a winning business development event.

If it makes sense to hire a good supply chain consultant to help streamline your day-to-day operations (and it usually does), doesn’t it also make sense to adopt a similar approach when it comes to your tradeshow – one of your biggest annual expenses?